Rui Ferreira
Name: Rui Ferreira
Academic Degree: PhD

Rui Ferreira
Rui Ferreira
Member of
Assistant Researcher of Microbes & Cancer

Short CV

Rui Ferreira graduated in Biology in July 2006 at the University of Aveiro. During graduation, he did a training programme at Centre for Protein Engineering, University of Liège, through the Leonardo Da Vinci programme (European Commission) to study a novel extended spectrum ß-lactamase (TEM-121) from Enterobacter aerogenes. In the same year he joined the Cancer Genetics research group at Ipatimup to investigate the role of Helicobacter pylori virulence factors in the development of gastric cancer using in vitro models and clinical specimens. During his PhD, he visit to the laboratory of Professor Dulciene Queiroz from UFMG (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) to develop technical skills to isolate H. pylori strains from gastric clinical specimens. At the end of 2012, he got his PhD from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto in frame of the Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine. In 2013, I was awarded with an individual post-doctoral fellowship from FCT to investigate the role of H. pylori and the gastric microbiome in gastric cancer. Since then, he was responsible for the implementation of an animal model of gastric carcinogenesis at i3S. He has also been implementing state-of-the-art pipelines to analyse next-generation sequencing microbiome data. Currently, he holds an Assistant research position awarded in a highly competitive individual call promoted by FCT (Scientific Employment Stimulus – 2017). Importantly, my recent scientific production led to filling of a patent application on microbiome markers for gastric cancer and to the publication in a top journal in the area of Gastroenterology (Gut, IF: 17.943, Q1). As a result of his scientific activities, he has published 40 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, of which he is first author in 12 papers (h-index of 18). He is also author of 2 book chapters. Altogether, his research efforts produced solid data, based on which the Worldwide Cancer Research, FCT, and the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme have funded the research of the Group in last years. Recently, he is leading an FCT funded project aiming to identify microbiome metabolites as biomarkers in gastrointestinal cancers.

Rui Ferreira’s main research focus is Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric carcinoma development. He is particularly interest in the characterization of H. pylori virulence-associated genotypes that can be used to define high-risk patients. Additionally, he is interested in the characterization of the gastric microbiota that grows in the stomach as the result of the changes in gastric physiology induced by H. pylori infection.

Supervisor of
João Sousa, Master Student (theoretical phase)
MSc student
Rui Ferreira, Assistant Researcher
Assistant Researcher
Tomás Vilarinho, MSc student

PI (running)

PI (closed)
First Author
1. Ferreira RM, Figueiredo J, Pinto-Ribeiro I, Gullo I, Sgouras DN, Carreto L, Castro P, Santos MA, Carneiro F, Seruca R, Figueiredo C
3. Ferreira RM, Pinto-Ribeiro I, Wen X, Marcos-Pinto R, Dinis-Ribeiro M, Carneiro F, Figueiredo C
Helicobacter pylori cagA Promoter Region Sequences Influence CagA Expression and Interleukin 8 Secretion. The Journal of infectious diseases 213: 669-73, 2016. [Article] 
4. Ferreira RM, Machado JC, Letley D, Atherton JC, Pardo ML, Gonzalez CA, Carneiro F, Figueiredo C
Clinical relevance of Helicobacter pylori vacA and cagA genotypes in gastric carcinoma. Best practice & research. Clinical gastroenterology 28: 1003-15, 2014. [Article] 
7. Ferreira RM, Machado JC, Letley D, Atherton JC, Pardo ML, Gonzalez CA, Carneiro F, Figueiredo C
8. Ferreira RM, Figueiredo C, Bonet C, Pardo ML, Liso JM, Alonso P, Sala N, Capella G, Sanz-Anquela JM, González CA
Helicobacter pylori vacA intermediate region genotyping and progression of gastric preneoplastic lesions. The American journal of gastroenterology 107: 145-6, 2012. [Letter] 
Senior Author
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